1. Puga Valley

Puga Valley in the Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir is one of the areas in India, that showed significant potential for geothermal energy in early studies by the Indian government. Puga lies in the south-eastern part of Ladakh and forms a part of the Himalayan geothermal belt. This zone shows evidence of geothermal activity in the form of hot springs, mud pools, sulphur and borax deposits.

2. Neil Island

This Island has an area of 13.7 square kilometers only. Given the flat landscape and the small area, Neil can be bicycled around with minimal effort. With its laid-back vibe, and lucid charm the island is soothingly different from its neighboring Havelock.

Neil Island is best suited for those who want to spend a relaxed time among long deserted beaches. With little bustle, few activities to take up, and few resorts, this island is best for those who want to explore the island’s villages.

3. Pichavaram Mangrove Forest

Pichavaram mangrove forest is located between two prominent estuaries, the Vellar estuary in the north and Coleroon estuary in the south. The Vellar-Coleroon estuarine complex forms the Killai backwater and Pichavaram mangroves. The backwaters are interconnected by the Vellar and Coleroon river systems and offer abundant scope for water sports such as rowing, kayaking and canoeing. The Pichavaram forest not only offers waterscape and backwater cruises, but also another very rare sight] – the mangrove forest trees are permanently rooted in a few feet of water. There are more than 400 water routes available for boating.

4. Pelling, Sikkim

Pelling, a beautiful petite town sited at a height of 6800ft was initially covered with wild thick forest which served as home to many indigenous wild animals of that period including Wildman( may not be yeti though). This ridge being situated in between two old Buddhist monasteries (Pemayangtse and Sangacholing) developed into a full-fledged village named Pelling. Today, Pelling is one of the best-chosen tourist hotspots in Sikkim. More than that, Pelling is the heart where all the breathtaking tourist spots of West Sikkim can be visited.


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